Thursday 19 July 2007

Just got off the phone .....

OK we visited the site and as the pictures show plot 19 is not in the best of shape, but we have decided to have it, So i phoned the parish council and agreed to take on the site & have been told the paperwork is in the post !!!! So now the job starts in earnest I will draw up a plan of the plot as soon as I can fight my way through the weeds

Could it be true has the wait finally be over ?

Well I phoned at just after 9 am this morning to arrange a viewing of the site .......... the time was set 11 am we would meet at the site to gain a glimpse behind the gates...... So off we go all the family to start the quest for the allotment .......

Tuesday 17 July 2007

The best news yet !!!!

The Parish Council have come back to me with two plots available in Maybach Court - plots 9 & 19 & I have to phone a lady this Thursday to arrange a viewing of the site ............. how good is that ?

Tuesday 22 May 2007

A email arrives from the Parish Council

Oh my god an email has arrived from the Parish Council with some great news & some bad news, basically they have no spare allotments but they will soon be taking over some more sites from the council.

But listen to this because neither party wants to admit ownership of the sites there all on hold ! Ah politics it enough to make you cry with laughter - pmsl

So I will keep you posted ...............

N.B. Check the clock at the bottom of this BLOG to show how long I have been waiting

Monday 16 April 2007

..... the waiting game

Sent an email to MK Council as I had not had back any information and low and behold MK Council no longer deal with the allotments and I have to speak to the Parish Council (nice of MK Council to let me know).

So I have today sent an email to the Parish Council asking for an allotment .......
............ and so the process go's on ..........

Tuesday 27 February 2007

The Email Arrives

Oh yeah we got an email back today saying that they have some vacancy's at three sites close to our house namely Mayer Gardens, Washfield and Barley Croft.

I sent an email back saying that Mayer Gardens would be are first choice as it is around the corner from the our house and asked for more information.

So all we can do is wait and see if we get on the list ....... fingers crossed

Sunday 11 February 2007

So the email is sent to MK Council

I have sent an email to MK Council on the 11/02/07 with regards to an interest in an allotment in the Shenley Lodge area of MK, we await the reply ...............